Weight Watchers Member Onboarding

Research showed members were unclear on what to do first when starting the weight loss program. Our team needed to solve this problem so new members were confident in their first steps, find content engaging enough to return, and not unsubscribe. The solution included reorganizing the member set up process (e.g. weight goal, weigh-in day, etc.), establishing a weekly video curriculum and developing a lesson delivery strategy.

My Role
Being the UX lead, I oversaw the user experience for the website onboarding process in 11 markets. This included streamlining the interactive design for the member set up, managing the delivery of the video curriculum on the website, and conducting testing to verify these changes/additions improved understanding of program basics.

As a result, users proceeded through the member set up process and understood the plan basics without difficulty. The videos were presented as a collection so users could learn the program at their own pace. Each weekly “lesson” video was based in sound scientific data and delivered in 2-minute segments. To reinforce the curriculum, a new member received a weekly “lesson” email for the first 8 weeks to access the video and be assured of learning the plan step by step.



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